Several bugs fixed. Sometimes SQL tool window is gone to bad. You could open more (cloud table) tables next to fixed bugs, fast SQL editing and executing. We have also added a number of past times data "forms": between them Btrieve, Clipper, Clarion. Cloud-based databases are start from MySQL, including Oracle9i and for example to MsSQL.
Several bugs fixed. In addition, a brand new function has been added to the Mail Master program. A marketing function has been installed, which is come in our dreams. Marketing mail can be made in it. You can define the recipients, attachments and other fields in the grid, which can refer to a body part. It's a fantastic feature, which can utilize the existing webmasters and marketers well.
Here is the 2.2.7 version. Fixed several minor bugs. In addition, we speed up the preparation of the compressed file. Especially when creating the larger directory structure, it is experienced significant acceleration.
We are already at version 2.2.3. In Back-up window over the backup session grid click mouse right button and new features are displayed. You can view selected session log, delay session one day, start a new full backup or rollback session to specified date.
The backup function is much faster because data records is loaded to memory due to the search index / seeking in the version 1.2.0 of OG Backup and Restore. The errors published on 10.11.2015 was repaired. At present, the restore function speeding is the purpose.
We rapair a number of bugs in the OG Backup and Restore product. The memory management was very poor, the current version is now works properly. However, the number of directories and files exceeds 100.000, then the software will show a substantial slowdown (1GB RAM, 1,7GHz dual-core). Also the restoring time is extended. If you use the restoring window, after a backup function indicates the file structure comparison error. These two errors are underway to correct.
We can be one or more folders to create backups and restore any day of the year by using extremely simple.
Please note that Xls2mySQL has not only read Microsoft files into it, also manage OpenOffice and LibreOffice files, too. You should get a clue ...